Footprint Check In

Calculating your carbon footprint


It's the fifth week of spring quarter and I'm halfway through Marketing and Sustainability! This means that it's time to check back in with the sustainability goals that I made for myself at the beginning of the quarter. 

My first goal was to cut down on the amount of wasteful traveling I was doing. I said that I would carpool up to the mountain with someone instead of driving my own vehicle every weekend. The season is now over but I did do good job of never being in the car alone on my way up. I either rode with someone or gave someone else a ride all but one of the days I went up after making the original footprint post. I also said that I wouldn't drive to school anymore and would try to take the bus. I also kept up with this goal but it's probably because I don't have a parking pass and had been paying by the day to park on campus. So n0w, I take the bus or get rides from people every day.

My second goal was to get even stricter with the amount of meat I was eating. I did accomplish this and haven't had much meat at all since making the goal. I also have been keeping up with my goal to not cook meat for my roommate or boyfriend when I make dinners. They haven't seemed to mind at all because I make plenty of good vegetarian stuff, so I'm happy that that goal has been easy to keep.

The third goal I had was to try to thrift more/shop less. Mostly to commit to not buying items just be cause they're cheap and available. I haven't bought any new clothing since making this commitment so this one is also going well.

Clear Showerhead XL - Clear Shower XL Showerhead

I know that I can do more to reduce my footprint so I am also making a goal to reduce my time in the shower from about 15 minutes to under 10 minutes. I have long, thick hair and it usually takes me a long time to wash and condition that but I also realized that I'm not being super efficient in there. I think that I take my time and don't think about how many gallons of water are being used while I stand in the hot water not wanting to get out. 

So far, my spring quarter sustainability goals have been going well and I'm proud that I have take the initiative to keep up with them. However, there is always more to be done and I plan to get even stricter with the goals I already had and to adopt the new one that I have made. 


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