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Sustainable Marketing

#wwusustainability In the research that I have done over the course of this quarter in Marketing and Sustainability, it has become extremely clear that consumers care about sustainability and are beginning to demand it from businesses. In an article from Network for Business Sustainability, the distinction of what sustainable marketing is is given. They say that sustainable marketing is "foster(ing) marketing activities and strategies that promote environmental wellbeing, social equity, and economic development in a manner that enhances the business". (Unuoha, 2022). This is a bit broad and vague so they go on to give tips on how marketers specifically can work towards sustainability. It begins with product development. Marketers can prioritize sourcing raw materials for the product in an ethical way. They can also consider whether the packaging is sustainable or even necessary. For example, it's great to use recycled plastic to make clamshell packaging but it's even ...

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